Workshop with URGENDA

Come and discuss with Marjan Minnesma, Director of the Urgenda Foundation !

Climate, Law and Society Changes

Brainstorming session moderated by Delphine Misonne, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles

Thursday 26 September, 10.00 – 12.30

  • Sharing thoughts on « Climate emergency ». Why such a concept? What does it mean and entail?
  • How to transform a society and its relation to energy? Sharing thoughts about recent initiatives in the Netherlands and in Belgium
  • Are our legal systems up to the challenge of climate change? The climate case and its relation to human rights

More details: Ici

Organized by CEDRE, USL-B.

Please register soon (brainstorming-seminar format)

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Delphine Misonne (12 septembre 2019). Workshop with URGENDA. CEDRE, Droit Environnement Patrimoine. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse