Wat a title ! Subtitle: Experiences from the past and perspectives for the future
On Friday 15 October, full online !
ELNI conference at the occasion of a 30 years anniversary. Co-organized with VVOR. Registration via this link
The Environmental Law Network International (elni) was founded in 1990. This network of environmental lawyers in Europe and beyond started with discussions and publications on topics like ‘Participation and Litigation Rights of Environmental Associations in Europe’, licensing procedures for industrial plants, environmentally sound waste management or ‘Institutions of International Environmental Governance’. Since then, the environmental crisis – with climate change, loss of biodiversity and worldwide pollution of air, land and water – has become much more serious. Environmental law has also grown in quantity and quality during these 30 years. So elni’s (belated) birthday event might be the right moment to look back and to look ahead with a focus on what environmental law can and should achieve.
The Conference will have a closer look at four major topics: 1) Involvement of the public, 2) Litigation, 3) Climate laws and 4) ‘Zero pollution’. Leading European experts on environmental law from academia and legal practice will analyse and discuss past developments, the present situation and future challenges. They will pay particular attention to current plans and legislative proposals of the EU Commission regarding access to justice at Union and national level, a European Climate Law and the ‘Zero pollution’ action plan for air, water and soil.
- 09h00: The power of environmental law: 30 years of European environmental law – developments and perspectives
Prof. em. Dr. Eckard Rehbinder (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
Debate with the audience - 10h00: Public involvement: from burdensome addition to essential element
Prof. Dr. Jerzy Jendroska (Opole University, Poland) and Dr. Lorenzo Squintani (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)
Debate with the audience led by moderator Mrs. Marga Robesin (Nature & Environment, the Netherlands) - 11h00: break
- 11h30: Litigation and duties of states: can courts make a difference?
Prof. Dr. Julien Bétaille (university of Toulouse, France) and Dr. Roda Verheyen (Rechtsanwälte Günther, Germany)
Debate with the audience led by moderator Prof. Dr. Gerhard Roller (Bingen University, Germany) - 13h00: break
- 14h00: Climate laws: Europe’s new hope?
Prof. Dr. Delphine Misonne (Université Saint-Louis, Belgium) and Prof. Dr. Marjan Peeters (Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
Debate with the audience led by moderator Prof. Dr. Luc Lavrysen (Ghent University, Belgium) - 15h30: break
- 16h00: Zero pollution in 2050: which measures are necessary?
Prof. Dr. Martin Führ (Darmstadt University, Germany) and Mr. Jeremy Wates (European Environmental Bureau)
Debate with the audience led by moderator Mrs. Isabelle Larmuseau (Flemish Environmental Law Association, Belgium) - 17h30: 30 years elni/elni Review
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Roller (Bingen University, Germany) and Dr. Julian Schenten (Darmstadt University, Germany)
Pre-registration is required
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Delphine Misonne (8 octobre 2021). The power of environmental law – Conference online 15 October. CEDRE, Droit Environnement Patrimoine. Consulté le 20 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mhp2