Archives de catégorie : Recherches en cours

Resistance is in the air – Interdisciplinary Symposium on Air Pollution

Pollution above the ring, Brussels, January 21th, 2019

NEW: Le programme:

We would like to invite you to invite you to the Etats Generaux de l’air de Bruxelles, which will take place next 25-27 April, at PianoFabriek, in Saint Gilles, Brussels.In short, this is an event combining a research symposium, a hackathon and various citizens and political workshops around #BXLdemandscleanair. The main objective is to bring together the different actors that are striving for a cleaner air, provide a platform for dialogue and collaboration, and discuss visions and solutions to realise a healthier city. You can find more information on
In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the international symposium ‘Resistance is in the air: Citizens, science and air pollutionThe objective of the symposium is to provide a platform for scholarly dialogue and interdisciplinary exchange, among scholars but also with citizens and activists on the topic of air pollution.Bridging the disciplinary gaps, as well as engaging with the larger societal debate, this symposium has the ambition to urge political agenda-setting by pushing reflection on strategies and pathways to more ambitious and broadly supported air quality regulations. The specific theme of the symposium is ‘Resistance’ in its diverse possible meanings. Four keynote speakers have confirmed their participation (Gary Fuller, Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen, Eloise Scotford and Gordon Walker), along with some 50 researchers from all across the world. You can find more information on the programme here, and on

Registration for the symposium is compulsory and can be done via this link (fee: 120 euro for 2 days; reduction for master’s & Bachelor’s students, and civil society 15 euros per day)
The registration for the Airckathon will be open soon.For the time being, though, we are calling all institutions and citizens concerned with the problem of air pollution (or those who are just curious to know more) to share with us questions that they would like to have answered, and/or the tools they would like to have developed through the hackathon. You can submit your question(s) here (

Closed, for information only:  call for abstracts

Les Communs, Actualité de la notion à la croisée des enjeux de protection de l’environnement et de la culture

Sous les termes variés de biens communs, choses communes, res communes, patrimoine commun, tous mobilisant une racine ancienne évoquant ce ‘qui appartient à plusieurs’, se manifeste à notre sens un même souci: garantir un usage élargi (à tous, à certaines communautés) des utilités de certaines ressources, naturelles et culturelles notamment. Mais aussi, pour certaines d’entre elles, en assurer la conservation, tant pour le présent que pour le futur. La protection de la ressource et de ses utilités variées semble en effet le corollaire indissociable de sa vocation commune. L’objectif de l’axe de recherche est d’approfondir l’approche de la notion de ‘communs’ – en lien aux aspects environnement et culture, en prenant comme point de départ la dimension juridique.


De nouveaux défis dans un contexte de crises: quel avenir pour le droit européen de l’environnement?

Le projet porte sur la force de résistance et sur les transformations du droit de l’Union européenne en matière d’environnement, dans un contexte de mondialisation et de tensions, positives ou négatives, questionnant sans cesse son ambition et la pertinence de son objectif, celui d’un ‘niveau élevé de protection’.