The constitutionalisation
of Environmental Protection in EU law
12h30. Introduction
by Prof. Delphine Misonne, CEDRE, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles
12h40. Constitutional dimension of environmental protection in EU law
by Dr. Alicja Sikora*, on the main tenets of her recent book “Constitutionalisation of environmental protection in EU law” (Europa Law Publishing 2020).
13h30. Environmental Legal Principles – From Political Slogans to Legal Rules
by Prof. Nicolas de Sadeleer, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Jean Monnet Chair, on the new edition of its reference book on the function and legal status of environmental principles ( Oxford University Press 2020), with a special focus on EU law at the occasion of the webinar.
14h00. Discussion
by Prof. Luc Lavrysen, UGent, President of the Constitutional Court
Debate with the audience, moderated by Delphine Misonne.
15h00. End of webinar
Please register before November 18, by sending an e-mail to: delphine.misonne@usaintlouis.be
with mention Event23November
The link to the webinar will be provided upon registration
* Associated researcher in CEDRE since January 2020, Dr. Alicja Sikora is an EU law academic, lecturer and practitioner with more than 16 years of experience in EU litigation, as a Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Union and as a Legal Advisor to the Council of the European Union. Graduate of Jagiellonian University and Université de Reims, Ph.D. in Law (Jagiellonian University, Cracow), Member of the Polish Bar (Cracow), Alicja Sikora currently acts as a Legal Advisor to the Council of the EU, and is a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the Jagiellonian University. Her research interests focus on structural and constitutional aspects of EU law, as well as EU environmental law. She has published on variety of topics, including a monograph on the financial penalties under Article 260(2) and (3) TFEU (Kluwer Poland 2011).