Green Deal – A way forward for EU environmental legislation?

 Making the most of the flexibility that the Corona pandemic demands of us, the Environmental Law Network International (elni) launches a cycle of (online) events in 2020, with the all embracing question 

“Green Deal – A way forward for EU environmental legislation?”

while each event addressing another key aspect of the political agenda.  We are pleased to invite our members to the events as outlined below. Note that registration in advance (at least 2 days ahead of the respective event) is required. For registrations and related requests, please contact The capacities of the events are limited, first come first served applies. 

23 June, 3 to 5 p.m. (CET) – Online webinar 

The proposal for a EU Climate Law 

With Prof. Marjan Peeters, Maastricht University Event hosted by Prof. Delphine Misonne, CEDRE, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles / Follow-up: read memo & watch the slides & video


14 July, 3 to 5 p.m. (CET) – Online webinar 

Access to Justice in EU and the Member States 

With Prof. Jerzy Jendroska (Opole University) 

Event hosted by Prof. Gerhard Roller (Bingen University of Applied Sciences) 


17 September, 3 to 5 p.m. (CET) – Online webinar 

Product policies for a Circular Economy 

Event hosted by Prof. Martin Führ, Society for Institutional Analysis – sofia (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences) More details tba. 


26 October 

Reflections on Green Deal as way forward for EU environmental legislation and Anniversary event with regard to 20 years of elni 

More details tba.